About the Fisheries Training and Extension Centre 
The Fisheries Training and Extension Centre (FiTEC) situated at Pointe aux Sables was set up through a grant from the Government of Japan to provide additional facilities for the development of off lagoon fishing and training of fishermen. FiTEC became operational in October 2004 and obtained the MS ISO 9001:2008 certification for quality management in 2010. FiTEC adheres to the Government Vision 2030 and is expected to play a significant role in the development of the ocean economy which aims at becoming one of the economic pillars. FiTEC caters for the various training needs of the fishing industry and carries out research and experimental fishing for untapped resources.
Quality Policy for FiTEC
Aims and objectives of FiTEC
FiTEC, through its training activities, aims at empowering fishermen to earn a better livelihood and facilitates them to venture into more profitable off lagoon fishing around Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) by deploying and maintaining a number of these FADs around the island. The following are among the training objectives of FiTEC: Courses offered by FiTECSeveral training courses have been designed to fulfill the various training needs of fishers and other operators of the fisheries sector.
The General Course for Fisher provides fishermen with the basic knowledge and skills to start a fishing career. The training course is dispensed to non-registered fishermen who earn a living solely by fishing and who have applied for the Fisherman Registration Card. The training course is run over a period of 6 weeks, including practical sessions at sea and is free of charge.
Learning the basics of fisheries is the way forward towards more professionalism Besides, the Ministry offers a stipend of 300 rupees per day to every trainee attending the training course. The trainee is awarded a certificate of attendance on successful completion of the course. 
Training on the use of sails to save fuel, reduce pollution and increase safety FAD Fishery Training Course The FAD Fishery Training Course addresses the training needs of registered fishermen willing to leave the lagoon and venture out for off lagoon fishing. It also targets fishermen interested to upgrade their fishing skills around FADs. After completing this training course the fishermen are able to safely and efficiently fish pelagic species in the open sea around FADs, using new fishing techniques. The course is of 3 weeks duration and also comprises practical sessions at sea. A certificate of attendance is awarded to the trainee who completes the training course. Each trainee is also eligible to a stipend of 300 rupees per day of attendance. 
Training in maintenance of engines for enhanced safety at sea Training Course in Fish Handling, Preservation and Marketing for Fishmongers This training course is a requisite for traders holding the Fishmongers License. It is free of charge. It comprises five modules and is dispensed over five half days. At the end of the training, the fishmonger is able to adopt good handling practices and hence offer safe and good quality fish and fish products to customers. A certificate of attendance is delivered to the fishmonger following all the five modules. Capacity building of in-house personnel FiTEC ensures that it has a well-trained human resource to meet customer expectations by exposing its personnel with the latest technological advances in the field of fisheries. The assistance of renowned fishing agencies are sought in that respect.
OFCF (Japan) Expert coaching trainers of FiTEC in new fishing technique
Forthcoming Course - FiTEC will soon launch the FAD Technology and Resource Management training course targeting fishermen fishing around FADs. The training course will be of 5-day duration and has as objectives to upgrade the skills and knowledge of fishermen with regards to FADs and resource conservation and management.

Deployment and maintenance of FADs FADs are moored and maintained functional around Mauritius. These are regularly serviced and lost ones are replaced.  S/N | NAME | DEPTH (m) | ▲ COAST | LATITUDE ( S ) | LONGITUDE ( E ) | 1 | ALBION I | 1280 | 2.3 | 20 º 09'.446 | 57 º 23'.330 | 2 | ALBION II | 410 | 1.1 | 20 º 11'.869 | 57 º 22'.891 | 3 | BAIE DU CAP | 855 | 2.7 | 20 º 33'.073 | 57 º 23'.283 | 4 | BLUE BAY | 968 | 2.4 | 20 º 29'.110 | 57 º 43'.540 | 5 | FLAT ISLAND | 750 | 9.6 | 19 º 49'.434 | 57 º 34'.373 | 6 | FLIC EN FLAC I | 1241 | 2.5 | 20 º 15'.995 | 57 º 19'.337 | 7 | FLIC EN FLAC II | 215 | 0.9 | 20 º 17'.791 | 57 º 20'.645 | 8 | GRAND CARREAU | 260 | 8.2 | 20 º 21'.336 | 57 º 55'.531 | 9 | LA PRENEUSE | 2480 | 5.2 | 20 º 17'.711 | 57 º 16'.080 | 10 | MARITIM | 400 | 1.4 | 20 º 04'.345 | 57 º 29'.160 | 11 | MEDINE | 2580 | 5.3 | 20 º 12'.663 | 57 º 17'.410 | 12 | MON CHOISY | 590 | 1.7 | 20 º 01'.424 | 57 º 30'.340 | 13 | POINTE AUX CAVES | 2400 | 4.4 | 20 º 10'.741 | 57 º 19'.510 | 14 | POINTE AUX SABLES | 290 | 1.1 | 20˚ 10' 403 | 57˚ 24' 222 | 15 | PORT LOUIS I | 3560 | 11.8 | 20 º 02'.816 | 57 º 15'.956 | 16 | PORT LOUIS II | 3409 | 9.5 | 20 º 06'.205 | 57 º 15'.882 | 17 | POUDRE D'OR II | 245 | 4.2 | 20 º 02'.327 | 57 º 46'.035 | 18 | PTE AUX CANONNIERS | 450 | 3.3 | 19 º 56'.416 | 57 º 33'.579 | 19 | RIVIERE NOIRE I | 968 | 4.5 | 20 º 23'.596 | 57 º 16'.771 | 20 | RIVIERE NOIRE II | 480 | 2.2 | 20 º 21'.069 | 57 º 19'.780 | 21 | RIVIERE NOIRE III | 3100 | 9 | 20 º 17'.901 | 57 º 12'.119 | 22 | ROCHES NOIRES | 732 | 5.4 | 20 º 02'.542 | 57 º 48'.885 | 23 | SOUILLAC | 1075 | 2.2 | 20 º 33'.793 | 57 º 31'.146 | 24 | TAMARIN | 390 | 1.5 | 20 º 20'.630 | 57 º 20'.119 | 25 | TOMBEAU BAY | 1050 | 2.6 | 20 º 04'.413 | 57 º 27'.890 | 26 | TROU AUX BICHES I | 2023 | 4.3 | 20 º 00'.161 | 57 º 27'.775 | 27 | TROU AUX BICHES II | 2675 | 6.6 | 20 º 01'.334 | 57 º 24'.387 | 28 | TROU D'EAU DOUCE | 992 | 2.8 | 20 º 13'.884 | 57 º 51'.561 |
List of FADs with mooring depths, distance from the nearest coast and positions
Contact: The Divisional Scientific Officer Fisheries Training & Extension Centre (FiTEC) Royal Road, Pointe aux Sables MAURITIUS Tel: +(230) 234 7209, +(230) 234 6858 FAX: +(230) 234 6967 Email: fitec@govmu.org